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Fiona Snyckers’ Books In The Media

“My most recent favourite mystery novel is Now Following You by Fiona Snyckers”

– Women24.com

“Thriller. Social comment. Love Story. Fiona Snyckers has a winner in Now Following You.”

– Marcia Love
(Manager, Dainfern Exclusive Books)

“Fiona Snyckers has cleverly combined a stalker thriller with a love story. This is a seriously well-written page-turner.”

– Sue Townsend for Cape Times

“Every mother should read this book, it’s amazing.”

– Vesna Karic

“A spellbinding read”

– Keitumetse Letebele

“Now Following You has all the ingredients for an enticing novel that we could barely put down long enough to come to work.”

– Kirsty Hesom for Media Update

“I loved the Trinity series but Fiona Snyckers outdid herself with Now Following You. Fast-paced and gripping. Snyckers’ characters are relatable and we know them in spite of their blatant flaws.”

– Zukiswa Wanner
(author and Etisalat Prize judge)

Now Following You received a 5-star review from Ayesha Kajee in The Sunday Times
– 15 February 2016

“This was a wonderfully written book with easy to read prose that left me hanging on till the very end. She writes her characters of all races as being very believable.”

– James Murua
(Kenyan book blogger)

“The book has a gripping storyline, fine traces of humour and even touches on South Africa’s race relations while maintaining a light tone that makes it a pleasure to read.”

– Angela Makholwa
(author of Black Widow Society)

Chosen by the Sunday Times as one of the “13 of the best summer beach reads”

“Die verhaal is boeiend en jy raak betrokke, of jy wil of nie, by Jamie se doen en late. Snyckers skryf slim en gebruik ook Jamie se twiets, blog en Facebook in die oorspronklike vorm, wat die verhaal meer geloofwaardig maak. Sy raak verskeie kwessies aan, die nuwe digitale era, vriendskap, verhoudings oor die kleurgrens heen, verhoudings tussen ouers en volwasse kinders en selfs die nastrewe van ’n beroep. Sy vleg al die drade mooi ineen om ’n heerlike storie te vertel met ’n goeie skeut romanse by!”

– Sarie Magazine

Fiona Snyckers

Fiona Snyckers is a published South African author. Her novels include: Trinity Rising, Trinity On Air, Team Trinity & Now Following You. Purchase your book today.
